Bajiquan Wikia
Bajiquan Wikia

Long Jin-Ju was a master of Chinese martial arts including BaJi Quan. He was also a former bodyguard of Mao Ze-Dong and a 12th Generation WuDang lineage holder [Sect to be confirmed].

Martial Arts[]

Long practiced and taught WuDang [sect needed] BaJi Quan and was also, famously, a master of the Inner Red Sand Palm system.


Long was the winner of all China Lei Tai freefight Competition organized by Mao in the 60`s [citation needed].

Long is claimed to be the only person in history who has been witnessed as being able to demonstrate the "Wind-Palm" during a "non-choreographed real fight" against a much bigger and physical stronger opponent[1].

The WuDang Principles style is derived from Long's teachings.

Long taught at the Northern China Shaolin Martial Arts Academy.

Noteable Students[]

  • Ismet Himmet - Founder of WuDang Principles.
  • Li Shun Xiao - Long was Li's first BaJi Quan teacher and taught him until he (Long) suffered a stroke.

